10 Evolving HR Trends Businesses Should Watch

The landscape of Human Resources (HR) is rapidly changing. With technological advancements, societal shifts, and a global pandemic reshaping the workplace, HR departments worldwide are rethinking their strategies. Here’s a rundown of ten HR trends to keep an eye on:

Transparency in Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Perhaps one of the most widespread and important HR trends is “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” which encompasses policies and cultural shifts in the way in which all human differences are represented and hired. By launching diversity, equity and inclusion training programs and promising more equitable hiring practices, businesses are publicly sharing their progress, thus cementing their commitment to all-human’s justice. Learn more about this on our blog post “Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Corporate America”.

Embracing Technological Advancements

With the rise of automation, HR processes are becoming more efficient and streamlined. Cloud-based software solutions, like those for employee onboarding, are becoming the norm. As HR tech grows in popularity, even small businesses are leveraging these tools to improve their hiring and onboarding remotely.

Adapting to Flexible Workspaces

The COVID-19 pandemic propelled the shift to remote work. Companies are now offering dynamic work policies, including hybrid models which blend in-office and remote workdays. Such flexibility allows employees to choose a setup that best suits their needs. Over the last several years employees have shown preference to the hybrid model, depending upon their role and duties. Some say having in-person days is a nice change of scenery and allows them to collaborate within a team environment. HR has been and will continue to be key to creating and updating the workspace policies.

HR trends women meetingVirtual Company Culture and Engagement

Whether the workspaces are 100% remote, hybrid or in-person, the challenge of maintaining company culture in remote settings is real. To address issues of disengagement and detachment, companies are hosting virtual meet-ups and increasing internal communication to ensure employees feel connected, even from afar.

Prioritizing Employee Well-being

The well-being of employees is now at the forefront of business discussions. Companies are realizing that an employee’s mental and physical health directly impacts productivity and overall business outcomes. As a result, there’s a stronger emphasis on providing mental health resources, wellness programs, and flexible working conditions. HR trends that are emerging include mental health days, more access to counseling and services that drive a more holistic approach to overall health and well-being.

Revamping Employee Benefits

With changes in the work environment, employee expectations regarding benefits are also evolving. Instead of traditional perks like free lunches, there’s a greater emphasis on health care, flexible working conditions, and benefits catering to remote work setups.

Enhancing Employee Experience

Companies are dedicating resources to improve the overall employee experience. From clear career paths to better internal communication about opportunities for growth, businesses understand the value of keeping employees satisfied and engaged. Hiring “Employee Experience Managers” in HR is one way companies are addressing this trend.

Investing in Leadership Training

Effective leadership is becoming more crucial than ever. Modern leaders need skills that go beyond traditional management. There’s a growing need for training in areas like coaching, mentoring, and fostering inclusivity within teams. While this has always been an important part of HR, more of today’s leaders are understanding and embracing this trend to become better leaders.

Navigating New Compliance Requirements

With ever-changing laws and regulations, HR departments must stay updated. They will re-write employee handbooks as the laws unfold to remain compliant, especially if they have employees in more than one state. Some of the new regulations look at pay transparency, workplace harassment and salary range disclosures.

Addressing Marijuana Usage Laws

The legal landscape for marijuana usage continues to evolve with 38 states and 4 US territories allowing legal use of marijuana for medicinal purposes and 21 states allowing it for recreational usage. Staying current on the legal use of marijuana and testing policies will need to be reviewed on a regular basis and take into consideration, ADA compliance when implementing a drug testing policy.

The world of HR is not what it used to be. As companies navigate these changes, it’s vital to remain informed, adaptable, and proactive in implementing new strategies and tools. The goal remains the same: to create a productive, inclusive, and engaged work environment. However, the methods to achieve this are evolving rapidly.

If you’re looking for Human Resources professionals, please reach out to Julie at: [email protected]. She has vast experience hiring HR talent and would welcome a conversation about your hiring goals.